Sunday, February 15, 2009

Friday The 13th Special Edition

Here's an anthology comprising of music from the first eight Fridays, which were released by Paramount Pictures. This is another fan-made effort because I haven't seen this one available in any of the retail outlets. Enjoy....

Download Link:

Officer Dorf: What you been smoking, boy?
Jack: Smoke? Don't smoke causes cancer.
Officer Dorf: You know what I mean! What, you just get off a spaceship or something? Come on, Coloumbian gold, man. Hash, the grass, the weed, dig it?
Officer Dorf: You kids keep your noses clean, you understand? You'll be hearing from me if you don't! We ain't gonna stand for any weirdness out here!


Alex said...

Now this, is a real treasure!

Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

We haven't seen this one available this movie
here download
in any of the retail outlets.


Cornelius said...

Thanks for my Brother.